

At Deki we believe that it is imperative that our corporate practices promote sustainability in every sense of the word. Our dedication toward that goal is shaped by our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategy. Using our CSR policy as the guiding principle, we strive to continuously improve our effort to be a responsible steward of the environment while conducting our commercial mission with transparent corporate governance, fair and ethical labour practices, and serve as a conscientious corporate citizen within the community.

Deki believes that sustainability should be the basis of all its corporate
activity and is fully committed to:
  • Upholding the values of honesty, partnership, trust, and fairness in our relationships with all stakeholders
  • Continually demonstrate performance in preventing pollution, ensuring the optimum use of resources, minimizing harmful impacts of products and production processes, minimizing OHS risks and maintaining a clean & healthy working environment for employees & the community;
  • Encouraging and supporting our suppliers to adopt responsible business policies and business ethics.
  • Encouraging our employees to serve communities by volunteering and by sharing their skills and expertise.
  • Complying with regulations relating to the environment, health, and safety by constantly upgrading its technology and apply best processes and practices to achieve EHS goals;
  • Operating as an equal opportunity employer and comply with Electronic Industry Code of Conduct (EICC) and labour standards;
  • Implementing sustainable community development programmes for underprivileged groups through public/private partnerships in and around its area of operations; and
Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility

Deki Electronics Limited is a leading film capacitor manufacturer in India that supplies its product to the Indian as well as the overseas market. The company was established in 1984 with technical collaboration with Okaya Electric Company, Japan and it currently has its manufacturing plant in Sector-58, NOIDA.Deki has always worked to be a socially conscious corporate citizen and its CSR perspective embodies the idea that sustainable business necessitates a relationship of mutual benefit and trust with all its stakeholders. Its normal business activities reflect sensitivity toward environmental concerns as well as a fair-minded approach in treating its employees, customers, and the community within which it operates.

Our CSR activities are funded through both the Shashi Kiran Charitable Trust – a trust created in loving memory of

Deki’s co-founder Mrs. Shashi Kumar - and the Company.

CSR Reports
S.No. Reports Action
1. Deki CSR Report 2022-23  View/Download
2. Deki CSR Report 2021-22  View/Download
3. Deki CSR Report 2020-21  View/Download
4. Deki CSR Report 2019-20  View/Download
5. Deki CSR Report 2018-19  View/Download
6. Deki CSR Report 2017-18  View/Download
CSR Activities
Project on Menstrual Hygiene & Management

This is an ongoing project, which started in 2018. This effort includes creating awareness, breaking taboos, providing reusable pads (Mooncatcher Kits) through educational workshops on Menstrual Hygiene and Management. Since we began this outreach, we have distributed kits to over 55000 schoolgirls in Delhi, Chandigarh, Uttrakhand, Punjab, West Bengal, Goa, Manipur, Meghalaya, U.P., Chattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Assam, Bihar, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Jharkhand and Rajasthan. This is an ongoing project, which started in 2018. This effort includes creating awareness, breaking taboos, providing reusable pads (Mooncatcher Kits) through educational workshops on Menstrual Hygiene and Management.

CSR Activities
Learning Center

In 2024 we established a center for providing educational support to school going children from Munirka Village and nearby slums. Classes run after school from 3 to 7 pm in computer training and spoken English.

Programs are also run for women of the community. We partnered with another NGO to run an entrepreneurship program. Thirty women participated and seven women were selected for a grant to start a business.

Learning Center
Scholarship/Educational Program

Need based financial assistance program for students from underprivileged section who want to study beyond Class XII

Scholarship/Educational Program
Internal/Company-oriented Involvement
Deki Employee Initiative
  • Clothing is one of the three basic needs (out of food, shelter and clothing). It not only symbolizes a person’s dignity but also offers a protection against the elements. Hence, twice in a year team Deki collects reusable cloths, school uniforms and other items for Goonj.
  • This time again, Team Deki undertook a collection drive for the "Odha Do Zindagi" initiative of Goonj. During November 2019, we collected around 269 kg of clothes, shoes, uniforms, slippers etc. All this material was sorted, packed and delivered at the Goonj office, Sarita Vihar, Delhi on 27th November 2019.