Working at Full Speed

Working at Full Speed

At Deki, our manufacturing is back to pre-lockdown levels. And, we have to thank three sets of people for helping us get back to normalcy in double quick time.

First, we thank every member of Team Deki. They have all risen to the challenges posed by the pandemic and worked hard, with all safety and security precautions in place, to ensure a smooth and orderly re-start and functioning of our manufacturing lines.

Second, we thank our suppliers and vendors who have made certain that nothing comes in the way of production, from raw material to finished goods right down to dispatch and delivery.

Thirdly, and finally, we thank our customers for keeping their faith in us and placing their orders and being patient while we got things going once again.

Without the support from all of you, our machines could not have been working at full speed so soon after the lifting of the lockdown.

As we said in a previous communication, together, and with the requisite precautions, we can overcome the pandemic and get back to our normal lives. Sooner, rather than later.

And, we have begun doing it.