Eye Check-up Camp cum Consultation Session

Eye Check-up Camp cum Consultation Session

A free Eye Check-up Camp cum Consultation Session was organized at Deki on 4th Aug 2017 from 10.30am to 4.00 pm by ICARE Eye Hospital & Post Graduate Institute, NOIDA. The examinations like Eye test on Auto Ref Machine / Retino Scopy, Color Vision Check Up, Near/Far Vision Check Up, Examination under Slit Lamp and 90 D Slit Lamp was done for 182 employees of the company. This camp witnessed experienced doctors providing the best of check-up sessions and experienced advices to the employee who either had some vision problem or were suffering from an eye-related ailment. Deki extend sincere thanks to Mr. Varun Chaturvedi, Doctors and Staff of the ICARE Eye Hospital.